
The Negro League Athletes


- A -


Aaron, Hank

Adams, Ben

Allen, Newton H.

Altman, George

Amoros, Sandy

Anderson, Andrew

Arenas, Hipolito T.

Armenteros, Juan

Armstead, Jimmie

Austin, Frank - Pee Wee

Awkard, Russell


- B -


Bailey, Otha - Little Catch

Baker, Gene

Bankhead, Dan

Bankhead, Sammy

Banks, Ernie

Barbee, Quincy - Bud

Barks, Alfred

Barnes, Frank

Barnes, Harry - Mooch

Barnes, William H.

Barnhill, David

Barnhill, Herbert

Barnwell, Ernest - Gator

Bassett, Lloyd - Pepper

Beckwith, John

Bell, Clifford

Bell, James - Cool Papa

Bell, William W.

Benson, Gene

Beverly, Bill

Bibbs, Junius - Rainey

Billingsley, John A.

Biot, Charlie

Bissant, John L

Bissant, Robert

Black, Joe

Blair, Garnett

Bolden, Jim - Fireball

Bond, Timothy - Ted

Bostock, Lyman Sr.

Bowens, Sam

Bowman, Emmett

Boyd, Bob - The Rope

Bragana, Ramon

Branham, Luther

Breda, William - Bill

Brewer, Chester - Chet

Brewer, Sherwood - Woody

Brown, David

Brown, Isaac - Ike

Brown, Raymond

Brown, Willard

Bryant, Allen - Lefty

Bunch, Sidney

Burke, Ernest

Butts, Tom - Pee Wee

Byrd, Bill


- C -


Cabrera, Lorenzo - Chiquitin

Caffie, Joe

Cain, Marion - Sugar

Campanella, Roy

Canizares, Avelino

Carlisle, Matthew - Lick

Carrera, Sungo

Carter, Marlin

Cash, Bill - Ready

Charleston, Oscar

Christopher, Thadist

Clark, Cleveland - Chiflan

Clarkson, James - Bus

Clayton, Leroy - Zack

Cockrell, Phillip

Cohen, James C. - Fireball

Colas, Carlos

Coleman, Elliot - Jr

Collins, Gene

Colzie, Jim

Cooper, Andrew

Cowan, Johnnie

Crespo, Alejandro

Crowe, George

Crutchfield, Jimmie


- D -


Dandridge, Ray

Daniels, Leon - Pepper

Davenport, Lloyd - Ducky

Davis, Lorenzo - Piper

Davis, Ross - Satchel

Davis, Saul H.

Day, Leon

Dean, Jimmy

Deck, Bill

Delgado, Felix

DeMoss, Bingo

Dent, Carl

Dials, Lou

Dihigo, Martin

Dismukes, William - Dizzy

Doby, Larry

Donaldson, John W.

Donoso, Lino

Doyle, Joseph S.

Drake, William - Plunk

Duany, Claro

Duckett, Mahlon

Duncan, Frank Jr.

Duncan, Mel

Durham, Joe


- E -


Easter, Luke

Easterling, Howard

England, Charlie

Evans, Felix

Evans, Frank

Evelyn, Lionel


- F -


Fabelo, Julian

Fabri, Isidro

Felder, William - Benny

Fernandez, Bernard

Fernandez, Rodolfo - Rudy

Ferrell, Leroy - Toots

Ferrer Efigenio - Coco

Fields, Wilmer

Figueroa, Jose

Fillmore, Joe

Ford, Erwin - Flash

Formental, Pedro

Foster, Andrew - Rube

Foster, Willie H.

Fowler, John W. - Bud

Frazier, Albert


- G -


Garcia, Manuel - Cocaina

Garcia, Silvio

Gardner, Floyd - Jelly

Garner, Horace

Gaston, Robert

Gibson, Josh

Gibson, Josh Jr.

Giles, George

Gilliam, Jim - Junior

Gillis, Louis - Sea Boy

Glenn, Hubert - Country

Glenn, Stanley - Doc

Gonzalez, Rene

Gordon, Harold - Bee Bop

Gould, Harold

Grace, Willie

Grant, Frank

Gray, Chester

Greason, William - Bill

Greene, James - Joe

Griffith, Bob - Schoolboy

Griggs, Acie - Skeet

Griggs, Bennie

Griggs, Wiley

Guilbe, Felix

Gulley, Nap


- H -


Haggins, Ray

Hairston, Sam

Harden, Lovell - Big Pitch


Harmon, Charles - Chuck

(also known as Charlie Fine)


Harper, David T.

Harrell, Billy

Harris, Isaiah

Harris, Jim - Pig

Harris, Vic

Harris, Wilmer

Hartman, JC

Harvey, Bob

Haynes, Sammie

Haywood, Buster

Heard, Jehosie

Henderson, Arthur - Rats

Henderson, Neale - Bobo

Henry, Joe - Prince Joe

Heredia, Ramon

Hernandez, Jose Ma

Herrera, Juan - Pancho

Hill, Jimmy

Hill, Pete

Holland, Bill

Holliman, Ulysses

Hooker, Lennie

Horn, Herman - Doc

Hoskins, David

Howard, Elston

Hubbard, Jesse - Mountain

Hughes, Sammy T.

Hyde, Cowan - Bubba


- I -


Irvin, Cal

Irvin, Monte

Ivory, James - Sap


- J -


Jackman, Bill

Jenkins, Clarence - Fats

Jenkins, James - Pee Wee

Jessup, Gentry - Jeep

Jethroe, Sam

Johnson, Byron - Mex

Johnson, Charles - Goolash

Johnson, Clifford Jr - Connie

Johnson, Don

Johnson, George - Chappie

Johnson, Grant - Homerun

Johnson, Josh - Brute

Johnson, Mamie - Peanut

Johnson, William - Judy

Jones, Clinton - Casey

Jones, Jim - Lefty

Jones, Robert - Fox

Jones, Samuel - Red


- K -


Kieser, Cecil

Kennedy, Irvin, John

Kimbro, Henry

Kimbrough, Larry

King, Clarence - Pijo

Koger, Eugene


- L -


LaMarque, James . H - Lefty

Laurent, Milford - Rick

Lee, Wille J.

Leftwich, John - Hymie

LeGrande, Larry

Leon, Isidoro - Izzy

Leonard, Walter - Buck

Lewis, Rufus

Lloyd, Henry, John - Pop

Lockett, Lester

Long, Ernest - The Kid

Lopez, Raul

Louden, Louis


- M -


Mackey, Raliegh - Biz

Malarcher, Dave J. - The Gentleman

Manning, Max

Marcell, Everett, - Ziggy

Marcell, Oliver - Ghost

Maroto, Enrique

Mathews, Fran

Mathis, Verdel - Lefty

Mays, Howard - Willie

McAllister, Frank - Chip

McClain, Walter, Eugene - Jeep

McClinic, Nath

McCord, Clinton - Butch

McCoy, Al. B

McCurine, Jim

McDaniels, Booker

McDuffie, Terris - Speed

McNeal, Clyde - Junior

Medina, Pedro

Mendez, Jose

Miles, John - Mule

Miller, Raymond

Minoso, Orestes - Minnie

Mitchell, Alonzo

Mitchell, John

Moody, Lee

Moore, Walter - Dobie

Morgan, Enola, Constance - Connie

Sydney, Morton - Sy


- N -


Navarro, Emilio - Millito

Navarro, Raymond - Raul

Neal, Charlie

Neil, Ray

Newcombe, Don

Noble, Rafael - Ray


- O -


Oms, Alejandro

O'neil, Jordan, John - Buck

Owens, William


- P -


Pages, Pedro

Paige, Satchel

Palmero, Emilio

Patterson, Lee, Willie Jr - Pat

Pearson, Frank - Wahoo

Peatros, Maurice

Peeples, Nathaniel

Pendleton, Jim

Pennington, Art - Superman

Pereira, Jose

Petway, Bruce

Pierre, Rodgers - Shape

Piloto, Jose - Potato

Pinkston, Alfred - Al

Poles, Spottswood

Pollard, Nat

Pope, David

Pope, Willie

Porter, Andy

Porter, Merle

Portuondo, Bartolo

Posey, Cumberland W. - Cum

Powell, William H.


- R -


Radcliffe, Alexander - Alec

Radcliffe, Ed - Double Duty

Rasberry, Ted

Redd, Ulysses

Redding, Dick - Cannonball

Renfroe, Othello - Chico

Rhodes, Harry

Ritchey, John

Rivera, Carlos - Charlie

Roberts, Curt

Robinson, Frazier

Robinson, Roosevelt, Jack - Jackie

Robinson, Jim

Robinson, William - Bobby

Rodriquez, Beneviendo - Benny

Rodriquez, Antonio - Hector

Rogan, Joe - Bullet

Rojo, Julio

Ryan, Mervin - Red


- S -


Sampson, Tommy

Santiago, Manuel, Carlos

Santiago, Jose - Smo

Santop, Louis

Scantlebury, Patricio - Pat

Scott, Joe B.

Scott, Robert

Scruggs, Eugene - Dick

Serrell, William - Barney

Shepard, Freddie

Siddle, Joe

Sierra, Pedro

Simmons, Hubert - Bert

Simmons, Silas

Simpson, Harry - Suitcase

Simpson, Herbert

Smallwood, Dewitt - Woody

Smith, Al - Fuzzy

Smith, Chino

Smith, Ford, John

Smith, Eugene - Gene

Smith, Hilton

Smith, Quincy

Spencer, Joseph B. Jr

Starks, Jim

Stearnes, Norman - Turkey

Stephens, Pual - Country Jake

Stone, Edward

Stone, Toni

Summers, Lonnie

Surratt, Alfred - Slick

Susini, Antonio

Suttles, George - Mule

Sweatt, George, Alexander


- T -


Taborn, Earl

Taylor, Ben

Taylor, James A. - Candy

Teasley, Ron

Thomas, Clint - Hawk

Thompson, Henry - Hank

Thurman, Robert B. - Bob

Taint, Louis Sr.

Tinker, Harold - Hooks

Torrienti, Cristobal - Carlos

Travis, Art - Kid

Trent, Theodore - Ted

Trice, Bob

Trouppe, Quincy Sr.

Turner, James H. - Lefty

Turner, Thomas - High Pocket


- UV -


VanBuren, William - Bill

Vargas, Roberto

Varona, Clemente

Vazquez, Armondo


- W -


Walker, Edsal - Big

Walker, Moses, Fleetwood

Walker, Welday

Warfield, Frank

Washington, Johnny

Watts, Andy

Wells, Willie - Devil

White, King Solomon - Sol

Wickware, Frank

Wiggins, Maurice

Wiley, Joe

Wilkes, Jim - Seabiscuit

Williams, Clyde - Lefty

Williams, Joe - Smokey

Williams, Marvin

Williams, Robert - Cotton

Williams, Willie - Curley

Williamson, Albert

Wilmore, Al - Apples

Wilson, Artie

Wilson, Johnny Sr.

Wilson, Ernest, Judson - Boojum

Wright, Burnis - Wild Bill

Wright, John - Needle Nose

Wyatt, John


- XYZ -


Yancey. Bill

Young, Maurice - Doolittle

Young, Willie C Jr.

Zapp, jim