The Negro League Baseball Players Association (NLBPA) is truly proud to share in a rich heritage of both sports and American history.
To celebrate the contribution of Negro League players to baseball and American history, to collect and preserve that history, and to promote education so that Negro League players may be a source of pride and inspiration for generations to come, the NLBPA created a licensing program to establish cooperative relationships with licensees and retailers to assist in the further development of a market for "officially licensed products of the Negro League Baseball Players Association."
Licensing revenues are directed to the NLBPA foundation to support former players and their families, as well as NLBPA operations. The Licensing Program promotes relationships by which both the NLBPA and its licensees will benefit.
- The NLBPA has strict rules and guidelines regarding commercial use of our marks and logos. For any entity outside the NLBPA to engage in commercial use, they must become an official licensee of the NLBPA before any production of goods or services.
- Commercial use is defined as any attempt to utilize the marks/logos/image of the NLBPA for promotional or financial gain by any outside company or individual. For commercial use, an approved licensed manufacturer will be required to pay a royalty, and any other fees associated with becoming a licensee, to the NLBPA in exchange for the authorization to use the trademarks of the NLBPA. All potential licensees must first be approved by the NLBPA and granted a license, as well as any products submitted for production.
- The NLBPA may consider offering a Limited License that allows local businesses the chance to become a licensee if they are not interested in elaborate or multi-state licenses. These are designated and approved on a case-by-case basis.
- There are standard fees associated with becoming a licensee of the NLBPA. We will provide details after initial application is submitted.
NOTE: The NLBPA does not manufacture or distribute any products. This program is strictly for manufacturers and distributors who wish to produce and distribute items which are officially licensed by the NLBPA.
Click here to download the NLBPA licensing program application.
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